
帮助,治疗和服务他人通过科学学士护理(B.S.N.在十大赌博网站攻读学位. 我们以信仰为中心的道德框架, 尖端的实验室, 经验丰富的教师队伍, 有意的临床实习, and opportunity-opening professional partners and networks form the basis of your long-term flourishing as a nurse.





为什么选PBA.S.N. 学位?

整个佛罗里达南部, healthcare institutions recognize and respect the high 质量 of a Palm Beach Atlantic nursing 学位. PBA护理专业的毕业生有着深厚的经验基础, 同理心, 基督的化身, 谁引导我们的行动. 


在护理专业, you’ll learn from faculty who are distinguished experts from institutions like Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, 范德比尔特大学医学中心, 和贝塞斯达纪念医院. Our transformative approach to nursing leads to significant success in obtaining nursing licensure, 丰厚的职业机会, 以及一生热心的仆人式领导.

  • 献给基督: Our desire to care with precision stems from our commitment to Christ’s love and vision for the world.
  • 整体医疗在我们的临床方法中,我们考虑的是整个人的身体状况, 社会文化, 精神, 和精神.
  • 最先进的科技:在校园和临床实习中练习使用先进的护理实验室技术.
  • 除了放之四海而皆准的:选修课, 临床工作, 以及与你的专业目标相一致的教员合作.




规划你的道路. 开启十大赌博网站.



PBA的传统B.S.N. 程序确保您可以:

  • 综合文科的理论和经验知识, 科学, 人文学科, 基督教信仰, and nursing as a source in critical thinking and decision making to provide holistic care in a variety of nursing contexts and settings
  • Combine the nursing process and evidenced-based research in the practice of nursing across the lifespan for holistic health promotion, 减少风险, 并在疾病预防中护理患者, 家庭, 和社区
  • 提供以病人为中心, 适龄, 具有文化敏感性的护理,有助于促进健康和身心健康
  • 展示有效的沟通, 协作, 创造力, 灵敏度, 并灵活为安全交付, 质量, 具有成本效益的护理
  • 以法律为基础,整合专业护理价值观, 道德, 和基督教标准融入护理实践
  • Implement professional development through graduate studies and other leadership opportunities with an emphasis on integrity as a professional baccalaureate generalist nurse
  • 结合当前的技术和信息来支持持续学习, 病人的结果, 质量改进
  • 评估医疗保健政策, 金融, and regulatory standards to support 质量 care outcomes in the complex continuum healthcare environment. 


The nursing bachelor’s 学位课程 在PBA will prepare you to sit the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), 在美国,获得护理执照的全国性要求是什么. Our faculty are invested in helping you perform well on this exam—our graduates have a 93% pass rate. 的课程, 临床工作, and collaborative opportunities 在PBA empower you to strive for excellence on your examination and throughout your career.


在PBA, we nurture nurses through a holistic approach to understanding the world and our individual roles within it. Science and nursing courses prepare you as a proficient and intentional caregiver—and general education courses in the 人文学科, 美术, 沟通, and exploring the Bible help you become a well-rounded citizen of the world and advocate for your patients.

复习传统B的所有课程.S.N. 程序.

发展科学基础, 美术, 以及前三个学期的人文学科, 然后在大二接受护理课程后开始护理课程. 整个护理专业, 将你的学习应用到当地医院, 诊所, 以及社区外展项目. 回顾一份学位计划样本.


High school students applying for 新生直接录取 only need apply to the university and indicate nursing as their major. 招生 will send qualified applicants a link to the web page form with the additional information required. 名额有限,所以鼓励尽早申请. Those accepted as 新生直接录取 students do not need to apply again to the Upper Division as long as they maintain an overall GPA of 3.0或更高.



Only students who entered PBA as freshman (or directly from high school) are eligible for 保证录取.

目前是十大赌博网站的学生 who meet the following criteria receive 保证录取 to the Upper Division Nursing Major.

  • 大一第一学期就开始在PBA工作(虽然你可能会花上几个小时)
  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 3.理科/数学平均成绩0 +
  • 个人总分74分以上
  • 在10月1日截止日期前申请并满足所有入学标准

定期竞争性招生 最低 要求:

  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 2.7 +理科/数学GPA
  • 个人总分68分.7 +(推荐74+有竞争力)

*GPA是指必修课的GPA,而不是总GPA. This is designed to encourage students to take difficult science classes without fearing that they will hurt their chances of acceptance.



如果你 are a currently enrolled lower division student, fill out a form on myPBA > 学校 > Nursing. (需要登录)


如果你要直接升入高年级(成绩为A).A. 或学士学位),在此申请.


  1. 基本学术技能测试(tea)
  2. 转学生需要两份推荐信(学术或专业)
  3. 成绩单(所有就读的学院或大学)
  4. Students applying to lower division (sometimes called “pre-nursing”) simply apply to the university.


  • 护理课程有两个切入点, 一次在秋季学期,一次在春季学期. 每组将录取45-50名学生,他们将在5个学期后毕业
  • 秋季和春季都有滚动入场
    • 提交ting your application for Spring start by October 1 provides the best chance of acceptance
    • 在5月1日之前提交秋季入学申请是被录取的最佳时机
  • 如果你被录取了,你有两周的时间来决定是否接受
  • 学生必须完成背景调查, 指纹, 并在录取通知书上注明的日期前进行药物筛选,以确认录取
  • 所有的录取都是临时的, with full acceptance being contingent upon passing the first three nursing courses and completing all other outstanding prerequisite courses
  • 如果你是PBA的新手, 然后你需要提交健康史和身体健康. All students will be required to comply with our hospital partners’ requirements as presented in the American Databank Compliance Tracker which you will be required to sign up for. 这包括, 除此之外, 最新的MMR疫苗, 水痘, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗, 乙型肝炎和流感(季节性).

1. 新生直接录取

High School Students applying for 新生直接录取 only need apply to the university and indicate nursing as their major. 招生 will send qualified applicants a link to the web page form with the additional information required. 名额有限,所以鼓励尽早申请. Those accepted as 新生直接录取 students do not need to apply again to the Upper Division as long as they maintain an overall GPA of 3.0或更高.


2. 保证录取

Only students who entered PBA as freshman (or directly from high school) are eligible for 保证录取.

目前是十大赌博网站的学生 who meet the following criteria receive 保证录取 to the Upper Division Nursing Major.

  • 大一第一学期就开始在PBA工作(虽然你可能会花上几个小时)
  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 3.理科/数学平均成绩0 +
  • 个人总分74分以上
  • 在10月1日截止日期前申请并满足所有入学标准

定期竞争性招生 最低 要求:

  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 2.7 +理科/数学GPA
  • 个人总分68分.7 +(推荐74+有竞争力)

*GPA是指必修课的GPA,而不是总GPA. This is designed to encourage students to take difficult science classes without fearing that they will hurt their chances of acceptance.


3. 竞争应用说明

  1. Currently enrolled lower division students will fill out a form on myPBA > 学校 > Nursing. (需要登录)
  2. 直接转入高年级的学生(持有AA或学士学位). 如果没有被录取,请在这里申请.


  1. 基本学术技能测试(tea)
  2. 转学生需要两份推荐信(学术或专业)
  3. 成绩单(所有就读的学院或大学)
  4. Students applying to lower division (sometimes called “pre-nursing”) simply apply to the university.


  • 护理课程有两个切入点, 一次在秋季学期,一次在春季学期. 每组将录取45-50名学生,他们将在5个学期后毕业.
  • 秋季和春季都有滚动入场
    • 提交ting your application for Spring start by October 1 provides the best chance of acceptance.
    • 在5月1日之前提交秋季入学申请是被录取的最佳时机.
  • 如果你被录取了,你有两周的时间来决定是否接受
  • 学生必须完成背景调查, 指纹, 并在录取通知书上注明的日期前进行药物筛选,以确认录取.
  • 所有的录取都是临时的, with full acceptance being contingent upon passing the first three nursing courses and completing all other outstanding prerequisite courses.
  • 如果你是PBA的新手, 然后你需要提交健康史和身体健康. All students will be required to comply with our hospital partners’ requirements as presented in the American Databank Compliance Tracker which you will be required to sign up for. 这包括, 除此之外, 最新的MMR疫苗, 水痘, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗, 乙型肝炎和流感(季节性)


Only students who entered PBA as freshman (or directly from high school) are eligible for 保证录取.

目前是十大赌博网站的学生 who meet the following criteria receive 保证录取 to the Upper Division Nursing Major.

  • 大一第一学期就开始在PBA工作(虽然你可能会花上几个小时)
  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 3.理科/数学平均成绩0+
  • 个人总分74分以上
  •  申请并符合上述所有录取标准 在大二的10月1日截止日期之前.

定期竞争性招生 最低 要求:

  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 2.75 +理科/数学GPA
  • 个人总分68分.7 +(推荐74+有竞争力)

*GPA是指必修课的GPA,而不是总GPA. This is designed to encourage students to take difficult science classes without fearing that they will hurt their chances of acceptance.


转A.A. 本科以上学历

要转到护理专业,你需要拿到A.A. 学位 conferred by the beginning of the first semester of Nursing school if you are accepted into the 程序. 考虑其他护理专业要求和先决条件:

  • 申请高级部门可在春季和秋季开始.
  • PBA使用tea考试(版本6)作为其入学考试. 考试只参加三次,考试间隔30天.
  • Application to the Upper Division means that you have completed or are in progress in the following courses:
    • 普通心理学
    • 生命周期发展(人类成长与发展)
    • 化学原理/实验室
    • 人体解剖学 & 生理学1 /实验室
    • 人体解剖学 & 生理学II带实验室
    • 微生物学/实验室
    • 营养
    • 统计数据

*除一门课程外,所有课程必须在项目入学前完成. 在申请过程中,你仍然可以注册这些课程.


如果你需要额外的课程来满足传统B的要求.S.N. ,您可能仍有资格注册. 按照以下步骤开始:

  • 申请入读大学
  • 提交成绩单
  • 通过电话预约招生顾问,了解基本的学位计划

遇到一个变革的环境,现在和未来的护士开花 护理学院 在PBA. 我们与棕榈医疗基金会等当地组织保持着长期的合作关系, 量子基金, 贝塞斯达纪念医院, 朱庇特医疗中心, 我们每年颁发几十个护理奖学金.

在课堂上培养知识之后, 你需要在真实的护理环境中获得经验. 整个B.S.N. 学位课程, 你将在社区等领域完成临床部分, 外科, 和精神 & 心理健康护理. 你还将与在职注册护士进行一对一的学徒培训.

如果你 无条件转让.A. 学位 以及所有护理必修课程, you can complete the nursing bachelor’s 学位 in as few as 38 total credits over three full-time semesters.


如果你 持有护理学副学士学位.D.N.),你可以在五个全日制学期中注册最多61个学分来完成B.S.N. 学位.




金融援助 & 奖学金 → 

参观十大赌博网站 → 


以B开头.S.N. 学位, 你就可以参加全国执照考试(NCLEX), 取得注册护士(RN)执照, 开始你的职业生涯吧, 服务型护士的角色包括:

  • 注册护士
  • 远程医疗护理
  • 旅行护士
  • 飞行护士
  • 法医护士
  • 学术教育
  • 临床教育家
  • 法定护士顾问
  • 护士研究员


Our graduates achieve an average pass rate of 93% on the NCLEX and go on to earn salaries averaging over $81,每年1万美元 劳工统计局. The nursing major facilitates your professional growth and potential with some of the country’s most respected healthcare organizations. 你可以加入其他PBA护理毕业生的行列:

  • 杜克医学中心
  • 范德比尔特大学医学中心
  • 克利夫兰诊所
  • 西十大赌博网站社区健康诊所
  • 亚特兰大埃默里医疗保健公司
  • 佛罗里达癌症专家
  • 佛罗里达州卫生部
  • 朱庇特医疗集团
  • 马库斯神经科学研究所
  • 十大赌博网站心脏病学
  • St. 玛丽医疗中心

在你大三的第一学期之后, 你有资格在大多数地方医院做护士技术员.



电话: (561) 803-2100


护理,B.S.N. (R.N. B.S.N. 在线)

Grow your potential to serve your community and encourage individuals through the 注册护士 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (R.N. B.S.N.在十大赌博网站攻读学位. 专为A设计.D.N. 持有护理学副学士学位, this accelerated nursing 程序 combines Christian principles and rigorous research to broaden your career opportunities.



Our Master of Science Nursing 程序 will help you advance your professional status with a respected academic credential that will position you to become a leader wherever your work life takes you. 专注于圣经, 历史, 理论和实践研究,并为您提供许多抢手的技能.


护理,B.S.N. (上层轨道)

最好的护士是那些感觉自己被召唤到现场并真正想要帮助的人, 治疗和服务他人. In our nursing 程序, you’ll explore concepts of 同理心, compassion and servant leadership. 你将学习经过验证的课程,并使用最先进的模拟设备进行培训. 这样你就可以为病人提供更高水平的护理.